May 23 2024

General Superintendent's Thoughts (20 May 2024)

Dear Fellow Ministers and Church Leaders,

God’s bountiful blessings on you, your family and your ministry

We continue to pray for God to keep you in good health, give wisdom in all your decisions and anoint your ministry.

The state of the Fellowship is good, I am hearing many good reports from the different ministries, departments and Districts. The Lord is,” Shaping The Future” of many of our ministers and churches.

We had very good Ministers Retreat in March. For the first time in our history, we have full registration before the dateline. We miss many of you but look forward to other time of fellowship. I am particularly encouraged to see so many fellowshipping especially during the mealtime. We will try to get a bigger place in the future as we expend the budget.

We hosted 2 nights of Worship Encounter with John Wilde and team. Many have a genuine spiritual encounter during the anointed Christ centered and Spirit inspired worship, The Lord has surely visited us those 2 nights.

There is nothing more important (or stressful) for a minister than preaching. IT is our core calling and responsibility. The National Preaching Conference (10-11 July) will equip you and inspire you to be a better preacher. You will find how you fit in, be comfortable and can become a better preacher with whatever personality God has given you. Philip Brooke defines preaching as,” The personification of the Word through a
human personality” There is no one style or one method but only one message and you. Come with your preaching team. NOT TO BE MISSED!

The Leadership and Minister’s Enrichment started a program to help raise up future leaders for the local church and the Fellowship. The Leadership Advancement Program 2024 (LAP) is a one-year personal teaching and mentoring program that will be held live and online to prepare and equip those 45 years and below. Although many were invited and interested, we have limited it to the first 24 respondent (including East Malaysian) with their Senior Pastor endorsement. I am excited to see a new batch of young leaders rising among us for our churches and national leadership.

We are living in the end of end times. Nations are converging and new alliances are forming. It’s becoming increasingly difficult preach the gospel and stand on biblical truth in the open square. In times like this, we need more than leaders with good ideas, sociological and cultural understanding. We need leaders who are “Baptised in the Holy Spirit and Fire” (Matt 3:11). Leaders who have a powerful and life changing encounter with the Holy Spirit.

We thank God for the ministry of our Prayer Commission (AGPC) but I would like to challenge all our churches to have a weekly Prayer Meeting or provide a set time (before service, etc.) dedicated to prayer alone. I was saddened when a Pastor told me that they will not pray too long in services because it is not relevant to the crowd at large. All our churches need to know that prayer is always relevant and they might as well get use to us.

Jesus was very emphatic when he said, “My house shall be call a house of prayer…” (Matt 21:13)

I look forward to see all of you face to face at our First National Preaching Conference on the 10-11 July. We are praying for you, your loved ones and your ministry.

May God’s grace be evident in every areas of your life, may He bless you and your loved ones with good health and may the Holy Spirit lead and empower you to, SHAPE THE FUTURE!

Your Fellow Minister,

Reverend Ong Sek Leang
General Superintendent
The Assemblies of God of Malaysia

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