Teens Empowered 2

24 August 2024

Evangelism Discipleship Commission organized Teens Empowered 2. We had 382 registered for the event along with the non-registered (made up by pastors, youth workers and volunteers) we had more than 400 in attendance. There were 42 churches represented. Rev. Daniel Leong preached a strong message and shared a powerful life-testimony that resonated with the Teens.


12-14 August 2024

Youth Alive Malaysia had our annual SHARPEN retreat held in Agape Community Church Retreat House in Seremban. We had 15 participants made up of Youth Pastors and Youth Workers. Speakers were Rev. Daniel Leong and Rev. Dr. Victor Lee.

KL-Eastern Fellowship at BCM

12 August 2024

We thank God for a meaningful Fellowship with 65 credentialed workers and pastors. Bishop Ong Sek Leang addressed current political and church issues via livestream, and Rev. Dr. Victor Lee sought feedback on the LGBTQ document through an online form. Seven new credentials (five Christian Workers and two Licensed Ministers) were approved and welcomed. The event concluded with a combined lunch with the Central District at the BCM premises.

Northern District Fellowship at Penang First Assembly (Chinese)

12 August 2024

Heartiest appreciation to Pastor Priscilla Tai and Penang First Assembly (Chinese) for hosting the ND Fellowship.

Central District Fellowship at BCM Auditorium

12 August 2024

We had a fantastic time gathering as a family to hear Bishop Ong’s insights on our five-year vision for the Assemblies of God of Malaysia via simulcast. Rev. Dr. Victor Lee presented a draft paper on Gender and Sexuality for feedback ahead of next year’s BGM. We also welcomed and prayed for 16 new credential holders, trusting God to empower their ministries. The event concluded with a delightful lunch and a chance to reconnect with fellow workers.

National Preaching Conference

10-11 July 2024

The inaugural AG National Preaching Conference was a great success, drawing over 250 attendees. With impactful messages from Rev. Dr. Wilfredo “Choco” de Jesus, Rev. Ong Sek Leang, Rev. Dr. Jeff Hartensveld, and Rev. Dr. Tony Chuang, participants left recharged, empowered, and inspired to enhance their preaching and impact their communities.

National Worship Encounter

24-25 April 2024

The Day conference was attended by around 160 people from various churches and the worship night was attended by 1041 people on the first night and 1426 people on the second night. It was a powerful time soaking in God’s presence and sensing the move of God in worship. Many people and churches represented reported of a newfound sense of purpose and direction in worship and leading people in worship.

Royal Rangers - National Training Camp

10-13 April 2024

Congratulations to the 52 Trainees in Blue Berets who successfully completed the National Training Camp (NTC) conducted by Royal Rangers Malaysia at Pasir Putih, Kalumpang. NTCs are designed to give leaders professional training in camping and leadership, plus the opportunity of outstanding fellowship and adventure in the outdoors. 21 Certified Instructors served as Camp Staff in Blue Caps.

Northern District Fellowship

1 April 2024

Heartiest appreciation to Pastor Bernard Augustine and Harvest Revival Centre for their warm hospitality and for hosting the ND Fellowship.

Youth Enrichment School

11-22 March 2024

Youth Alive Malaysia and Bible College of Malaysia (BCM) partnered to run Youth Enrichment School (YES). 34 youths attended and we thank God their lives have been transformed and we pray God will continue to do a good work in and through their lives.

8th Elisha School

8-24 March 2024

Elisha School offers a 14-day program anchored upon Pentecostal heritage. This School partners with AG Chinese churches to raise next generation of church pastors and leaders. 19 young people attended the recent program held in Great Revival Church A/G, KL.

Sarawak District Youth Alive Camp

6-8 March 2024

We want to give God the glory and honor for our first milestone Sarawak State Youth Alive Camp. We had 103 participants, aged 12-18 from Kuching, Miri, Bintulu and Sibu. The speakers were Rev. Brian Ranjan, Ps. Remy Anand and Ps. Ezra Len.

AG Ministers Retreat

Noble Resort Hotel, Melaka
26 - 29 February 2024

Over 500 ministers came together to attend this event at Nobel Resort Hotel, Melaka. Speakers were Rev. Dr. Dave Kenney and Rev. Calvin Lee.

SD Women Conference

25 January 2024

66 ladies from 7 different churches participated in this event held at Tabernacle of Worship, Seremban.

KL-Eastern District Fellowship

22 January 2024

More than 70 credential members attended the first Fellowship of the year held at BCM followed by a sumptuous lunch and wonderful time of fellowshiping with each other. The members were challenged and encouraged by General Superintendent, Rev. Ong Sek Leang's vision casting via online.

CDC Fellowship

22 January 2024

On 22nd Jan 2024, the first District Simulcast was held where all the districts tuned in to hear the vision casting by our Bishop, Rev Ong. About 150 ministers of the Central District gathered in Glad Tidings Petaling Jaya, thanks to Rev Michael Tan and the church leadership for graciously allowing the district to use the church premise for the event. In addition to Pastor Ong’s vision casting live, we had a great time of worship, prayer for one another, receiving new ministers and lunch and fellowship.