Our History

The Assemblies of God of Malaysia is a Pentecostal Fellowship that had her embryonic link to the Assemblies of God, USA. The first effort to formalize the formation of the Assemblies of God of Malaya and Singapore was on 6th February 1957 at Elim Church, 1079 Balesteir Road in Singapore. Delmer Guynes was elected as the General Superintendent In 1965, barely two years after the merger of the Federation of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore to form the Federation of Malaysia, some political situations saw Malaysia and Singapore separated into two nations. This situation led to the birth of the two new entities: Assemblies of God of Malaysia and Assemblies of God of Singapore in 1966.
The early period of the movement was marked by missionaries’ contributions from the United States of America. The First Assemblies of God Church in Pudu is the oldest existing church that was founded by Carrie P. Anderson. The missionary community provided the manpower and leadership to the movement from 1930 to 1974.
In 1974, we witnessed the transition of the missionary leadership to our elected first local General Superintendent, Rev. Tan Sri (Dr.) Prince Guneratnam. He held the office as General Superintendent for 26 years. The mantle of leadership of the movement then fell on Rev. Dr. Vincent Leoh, who served as our second local General Superintendent from 2000 to 2008. Since then, Rev. Ong Sek Leang has been our third local and present General Superintendent.
The Bible College of Malaysia, Malaysia Tamil Bible College and Borneo Bible School are three official educational institutions under the Assemblies of God to train their ministers. These institutions were respectively founded in 1960, 1972 and 2014.